How Can You Make A Home More Energy Efficient?

There are many ways to make a Swindon home more energy efficient. In this age of rising costs and growing climate concerns, more and more homeowners are taking an interest in their energy usage. A fully powered property has various outputs to be considered if you want to make it as energy efficient as possible.

One of the biggest outputs of energy a UK home will have is its central heating. As the temperature in this country is generally cool, it’s common for people to have their heating on for much of the year. However, homes can quickly lose a tremendous amount of this warmth through single glazed windows, dilapidated features and cold draughts.

That’s where we come in. Garden of Eden offers a stunning supply of customisable double glazing products, which have the potential to boost homeowner’s EPC ratings. By using premium grade materials and advanced manufacturing techniques, we can create windows and doors that trap the warmth inside of properties where it belongs, keeping your clients cosy all year round. Get in touch with our professional team to find out what we can do for you!

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency Expertise

Energy efficiency in this industry is measured by calculating the useful output of energy as a percentage of the total energy input. For example, old incandescent lightbulbs were largely phased out due to their woeful efficiency – only 5% of the energy input created light, whilst 95% created heat. Modern LED bulbs operate at around 30% efficiency, which serves as a great example of how simple measures can make a home more energy efficient.

Bespoke double glazing is a general improvement which can improve the general efficiency of a home. The more warmth is kept inside the property, the lighter the burden on the central heating to keep the building heated. This is a fantastic avenue for homeowners looking to improve their Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) score. This evaluation can help people estimate their energy bills and potentially boost the prospective value of a property. Making the building more energy efficient won’t just improve the comfort of your Swindon customer’s home life – it may also be a long-term investment.

Energy Efficiency Prices

Double Glazing Features

We provide a wide range of market leading windows, doors and roofing systems to take your project to the next level. Our key suppliers, Liniar, are renowned for their exceptional double glazing products. We’re proud to work alongside them to develop stunning home improvement features for our Swindon clients.

One of our most impressive window units is the EnergyPlus90. This Passivhaus compliant model can have U-values as low as 0.7 W/m2k and comes with nine internal chambers which act as thermal breaks. You can flood an interior with natural light whilst enhancing the thermal insulation of a property.

Another remarkable feature which can make a home more energy efficient is the Sheerline Aluminium Lantern Roof system. Not only does it come with precisely-measured double glazing to improve heat retention, but it can also illuminate the space for much of the day. This reduces the need for artificial lighting, yet another measure which reduces the energy usage of the home.

Energy Efficiency Rating

Double Glazing Prices Swindon

We supply a multitude of home improvement products which could make a Swindon home more energy efficient. Use our online quoting engine to get your no-obligation quote started.

Want to learn more about how our service can bolster the energy efficiency of your next project? Get in touch via our online contact form, or give us a call at 01793 530808. We look forward to hearing from you!

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