People sitting in the kitchen with Sheerline Prestige aluminium doors in Swindon

Prestige Aluminium Windows And Doors

  • Innovative and high-performance Sheerline aluminium windows and doors
  • Thermally efficient 72/80mm system
  • Thermavic thermal break
  • 1.4 U value Double glazed
  • 1.0 U Value Triple glazed
  • Range of bespoke customisations

Features & Benefits

Sheerline Prestige aluminium windows and doors swindon
Thermal Performance
Our Sheerline aluminium windows and doors from the Prestige range are among the most thermally efficient they have to offer. That is why we have chosen to manufacture and supply these to our customers throughout the local areas and the UK. These will help your client to save money on their heating bills and help to reduce carbon footprints.
Sheerline Prestige aluminium windows and doors swindon
Contemporary Colours
Our aluminium windows and doors come in several different coats, including Anthracite Grey, Chocolate Brown, Cream, Squirrel Grey and many more options. These are powder coated matt colours that are contemporary, sleek, and stylish. If you would like to find out more information about these aluminium windows and doors colours and other customisation options, get in touch with the team today!
People sitting in the kitchen with Sheerline Prestige aluminium doors in Swindon
Low Maintenance
Our aluminium windows and doors are fantastic for your customers because there is little to no maintenance needed to keep them operating once they are fitted. They will not suffer when exposed to the elements. Instead, they will stand tall for many years to come. Their frames will not bend, warp or rot when splashed with water, meaning that these have high performance throughout the entire lifespan of the installation.
Aluminium Doors beside a hearth in Swindon
Prestige aluminium windows and doors come with a unique and innovative technology known as Thermavic. This means there are multiple chambers hidden within the frames that help trap heat and achieve an A+ Windows energy Rating in some cases. This will be perfect for your customers looking to insulate their home well, save money on heating bills and reduce their carbon footprint!
Aluminium Window attached to a window bench in a home in Swindon
Enhanced Security
Each of our Prestige aluminium windows and doors by Sheerline features advanced security, ideal for any homeowner. They are fitted with advanced multi-point locking systems, which help to ensure that homes are secured. The cleverly integrated design ensures that the locks are fully enclosed, making it almost impossible to breakthrough. That is why many of these products are so highly sought after on the UK market.
Aluminium Windows & Doors in a nice lighted Home in Swindon
Patented Construction
These outstanding aluminium windows and doors are constructed using a patented design. This means that natural light will be able to pour through the slim sightlines. These are as slim as 88mm providing an architectural and stunning aesthetic that your customers will be over the moon about. All of our aluminium windows and doors are hand-tuned to perfection, which leaves the perfect balance of outstanding performance and incredible visual design. Get in touch with us today for more information!

Survey Sheets

Prestige Window Survey Sheet
prestige window survey sheet
Classic Heritage Door Survey Sheet
classic heritage door survey sheet

Request A Free Aluminium Windows & Doors Quote

Our Prestige range of products from Sheerline is outstanding and will be the perfect solution for your customer. Get in touch for a free, no-obligation quote from our team today.

Fantastic Sheerline Profiles

British Made
Our aluminium windows and doors come from Sheerline. They are designed and manufactured within the UK. This means that we can have a faster response time for your double glazing solutions. Reach out to the team today for more information about our Prestige windows and doors.
Strong Components
Your customers will love our aluminium windows and doors because they have the best hardware available on the market. This means a long lifespan, easy usage and a high standard of security.
Bespoke Design
Each of our aluminium windows and doors in the prestige range can be customised to suit your customer’s needs. With several colour options to choose from, we’re confident that you will get everything you need from us here at Garden of Eden.
Sheerline believe in sustainability, and so do we. That is why we work with them, fabricate their products and supply them to our loyal customer base. We believe in offering high-quality solutions for all, which is why we search for only the best.
Outstanding Finish
The aluminium windows and doors that we supply come with a superior finish. Each is constructed with care and love to ensure that you can provide your customers with fast yet stunning installations every time.
High Performance
These aluminium windows and doors have been tested to the highest degree for weather tightness, additional characteristic, operation, strength and enhanced security. If you would like to find out more details, give us a call and speak to a team member today!




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Aluminium Windows And Doors Prices

If you would like to discover outstanding customer service along with incredible products, look no further than us here at Garden of Eden. We offer our customers fast and efficient service without the hassle. We source our aluminium windows and doors from leading manufacturers within the UK, so you know there won’t be a delay. Get in touch with us by filling out our online contact form or by giving us a call on 01793 530 808.

We hope to hear from you soon!